East India Pale Ale - Brooklyn Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 31st, 2016  
East India Pale Ale


India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.90% ABV


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East India Pale Ale from Brooklyn Brewery
3.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Exploring the Vault
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East India Pale Ale pours a light copper color with a thin off-white head that endures. The aroma is of caramel malts with some raisin notes and a touch of citrus. This is very much in the style of an East Coast or even English-style IPA with it's malt-forwardness and subdued hop characteristics. There is also a distinct fruitiness to this beer with flavors of cantaloupe and green grape. It finishes with a slight tea-like bitterness and very little carbonation on the tongue. Overall this is a beer with a lot of complexities and definitely one to seek out.


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