What did you think of it? Never Tried ItDogtoberfest pours a clear, reddish amber color that is a bit darker than most of the other Marzen-style beers. It also has a large, foamy head that is supported by fine carbonation bubbles that rise up from the bottom of the glass. Inviting aroma with a nice hop and malt balance. On the taste, this has a bit more hops than we usually find in this style, with an earthy and floral taste as well as a touch of bitterness. Toasted and caramel malt as you would expect, but it’s not overly sweet. Medium body with a clean finish. While this definitely has an American feel, there are some similarities to the more traditional German beers. But the hops and pleasant bitterness are what really differentiate this one from most of the Oktoberfest beers.
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