Dankful IPA - Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Nov 26th, 2023  
Dankful IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
7.40% ABV - 55 IBU


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Dankful IPA from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
4.1 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Hoppy Danksgiving!
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Happy Thanksgiving! Dankful pours a pale amber color with two fingers of off-white, frothy head. Nice lacing on the glass. Aroma is hoppy and strong, with citrus and pine. Taste is hoppy and dank, with lots of resinous pine, tangerine citrus, and a touch of both stone fruit and tropical fruit. Malts are slightly sweet, with both a doughy, bready flavor, along with some light caramel. Mouthfeel is sticky and chewy, with a medium body, and soft carbonation. Light bitterness, with 55 IBU. Finish is long and satisfying, with more of the hoppy, dank flavor that lasts throughout the beer. Overall this is a very good West Coast style IPA.


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