Crosby Hop Farm Sterling Wet Hop Pilsner - Matchless Brewing - Beer of the Day.

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  Jun 12th, 2023  
Crosby Hop Farm Sterling Wet Hop Pilsner


5.80% ABV


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Crosby Hop Farm Sterling Wet Hop Pilsner from Matchless Brewing
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Charge of the Light Beergade
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Without a doubt, the first and only wet hop pilsner we've had! This pours a pretty clear, deep gold color. Head is white, soapy, and extra thick. Interesting aroma that combines the pilsner malt with a coriander or spice-like nose. Smells like a white ale. Taste follows suit. Spices are very noticeable; maybe some cardamom, orange peel, and white pepper, along with herbal and pine hop notes. There's biscuity malt flavors, but much less so compared with other pilsners. Sweetness like sweet cereal. Medium body, powdery mouthfeel, and a finish that lingers forever. Wow! Not your typical pilsner, but this is one interesting and multifaceted beer.


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