CFJ-90 - Russian River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 7th, 2020  


Hazy IPA
6.75% ABV


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CFJ-90 from Russian River Brewing Company
3.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Color is pale gold, non-transparent, but not overly hazy either. A small, bubbly white head recedes quickly to a thin film. Inviting aroma of citrus and pine. The taste is classic Centennial hops, with floral and citrus, particularly lemon and grapefruit, and then some pine. There’s a pleasant bitterness from beginning to end, but it’s really only bitter compared to other hazy IPAs out there. Not your typical hazy IPA, this is more West Coast Hazy in style. Mouthfeel is dry and refreshing, with a medium body and nice carbonation. Grassy with more lingering bitterness in the finish.


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