Celebration Ale (2019) - Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Dec 31st, 2019  
Celebration Ale (2019)


India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.80% ABV


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Celebration Ale (2019) from Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
3.4 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
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Sierra Nevada Celebration is a historic beer that only gets better with each year. Decades ago it utilized the the pine and spice of the hops combined with caramel malts to give it a festive, "Christmas Tree" type of flavor. IPAs at that time were few and far between. Now since the style and the flavors are so common, it relies on its incredible freshness, its balanced taste, its stellar reputation, and its temporary availability to create an event that is anticipated and frankly, celebrated, each and every year. We can't think of a better beer with which to close out the holidays and 2019. Cheers and Happy New Year!


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