Category 5 IPA - Due South Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 19th, 2016  
Category 5 IPA


Double/Imperial IPA
8.50% ABV - 96 IBU


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Category 5 IPA from Due South Brewing Co.
4.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Category 5 is an Imperial IPA that pours a vibrant orange / dark amber color. There's plenty of cloudiness, and the head is thick and lasts for some time. The aroma is citrusy and hoppy. Initially this beer has some sweet, caramel malt. But then you're hit with very hoppy and juicy flavors - mostly citrus but also some mango. Medium carbonation and body. Some bitter grapefruit comes out on the finish, and there's a lingering, herbal aftertaste. Overall this is a solid, citrusy brew, but not one that you can take lightly!


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