What did you think of it? Never Tried ItBuenaveza pours a perfectly clear, light yellow color with a thin head and steady streams of carbonation bubbles rising from the bottom of the glass. The aroma is fresh barley grain and the ever faint presence of an ocean breeze. When I read "salt and lime" on the side of a beer, I immediately figured it was some kind of gose-hybrid. That is not the case in the least. This is a straight-out german/mexican-style lager with the ever-so-faint hints of lime and salt. Anybody who has had a Corona knows that lime and lager pair well together. Anybody who has enjoyed a beer with salty food knows how well those two flavors jive. Maybe it's for these reasons this beer tastes not only good, but familiar. It would have been incredibly easy to go overboard with either of these two flavors and, thankfully, Stone doesn't. It is incredibly refreshing and drinkable. It's also very light. On the first sip, I tasted a 4% beer, but was surpised it weighed in at a standard 4.7%. This beer will perform well on the usual lager cliches: hot days, lawnmowers, swimming pools. But it will also work just fine on your average Thursday.
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