Brianda - Cerveja Brianda - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 31st, 2022  




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Brianda from Cerveja Brianda
2.8 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Brianda pours a slightly cloudy golden color with a head consisting of two fingers of small, highly concentrated white bubbles. It has an earthy wheat-like smell. The flavor pairs mild caramel and bready malts with a hint of apricot fruit. It is full-bodied and flavor-packed. It finishes with just a touch of hop-bitterness that allows the flavor to linger a while on the tongue. This is very well balanced and drinkable and at 5.2%, this is a beer for any occasion. Brewed on Terceira Island, Azores Islands, Portugal, this beer travelled a considerable distance, but tasted like it was brewed yesterday.


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