Bretta Rose No. 004 - Firestone Walker Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 23rd, 2021  
Bretta Rose No. 004


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Bretta Rose No. 004 from Firestone Walker Brewing Company
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Color is a beautiful orange, amber, rose combination, which is semi-transparent with just a bit of haziness. The head is white and frothy without much retention but keeps a small bubbly film. Aroma is full of fruity, raspberry notes, and the Brett yeast that comes through makes it clear this is a wild ale. Taste is acidic and tart, bordering on sour, with a touch of funk. Lots of oak and barrel flavors, along with lemon citrus and ton of ripe raspberry. The flavor seems to transition from semi-sweet to earthy, but the raspberry fruit is there the whole time. Effervescent with a dry, crisp, and well carbonated mouthfeel. Well done, as always.


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