Blonde De L'Enfer (25th Anniversary Beer) - Unibroue - Beer of the Day.

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  Jul 17th, 2024  
Blonde De L'Enfer (25th Anniversary Beer)


Belgian Strong
Golden Ale
10.50% ABV


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Blonde De L'Enfer (25th Anniversary Beer) from Unibroue
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: 100th Episode!
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This is a fantastic 25th Anniversary beer! Golden amber in color with an incredible aroma of butter, brown sugar, caramel, and creme brulee. Taste has a warm, bready beginning with a hint of cinnamon, plus raisin or other dark fruit. Some soft banana flavors, and lots of butter, brown sugar, and burnt caramel. It's sweet but remarkably balanced, as the sweetness doesn't linger around. Super smooth mouthfeel with a sneaky 10.5% abv. When a great brewery gets to 25 years, you expect an amazing beer to celebrate that accomplishment, and this does not disappoint!


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