Blind Pig IPA - Russian River Brewing Company - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 4th, 2021  
Blind Pig IPA


India Pale Ale (IPA)
6.25% ABV


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Blind Pig IPA from Russian River Brewing Company
4.2 out of 5 based on 8 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Will You Beer My Valentine?
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Blind Pig pours a very clear, golden copper color with a thick, white, frothy head. Lots of visible carbonation as well as plenty of lacing on the glass. Fresh, hoppy aroma of floral and pine but also some graham cracker sweetness. Taste is similar with the floral and piney hops, but also some melon and citrus. Solid malt backbone that is biscuity and really balances out all the hop goodness. Extremely smooth mouthfeel with perfect carbonation. There's a medium bitterness throughout that pairs well with the crisp and dry finish. 6.25% ABV with extreme drinkability; this is high quality West Coast style IPA at its finest.


JM562's Photo
JM562 Feb 26, 2017 at 7:53PM
I enjoy Blind Pig more than Pliney. Yup I said it.

Firekiller7576's Photo
Firekiller7576 Mar 4, 2023 at 3:10PM
5 Still believe it better than Pliny

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