Blak Bavarian Style Black Lager - Ol' Republic Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 26th, 2020  
Blak Bavarian Style Black Lager


4.80% ABV


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Blak Bavarian Style Black Lager from Ol' Republic Brewery
5.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Blak pours a dark espresso brown with an off white one finger head that recedes to a thin layer on the top. It smells incredible - subtle and reserved roasted coffee with a bready characteristic. The flavors are delicate, starting with dark bread like rye, some caramel sweetness, a roasted maltiness and a really pleasant, subdued, barely-there hop. Mouthfeel is light but creamy, and it has a nice carbonation. This is one of the more nuanced, delicate beers we've had and it's a really enjoyable all day sipper.


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