Big Blue Van - College Street Brewhouse & Pub - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 13th, 2024  
Big Blue Van


Fruit/Vegetable Beer
Wheat Beer
5.80% ABV


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Big Blue Van from College Street Brewhouse & Pub
4.5 out of 5 based on 3 ratings.
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Big Blue Van pours a big golden yellow color, with a slight haze, a thin white head and light steady stream of bubbles. There is an intense blueberry aroma that overwhelms all other smells. Natural blueberry is the main flavor with a very mild wheat malt in the background. Where blueberry tends to overwhelm many beers in this style, this one keeps its blueberry in balanced moderation. The aftertaste is quite sweet and lingers long after your last sip.


Jamiealmond's Photo
Jamiealmond Sep 5, 2018 at 1:34AM
Love this beer! Blueberry flavor for sure but super balanced. Very refreshing in the hot AZ sun!

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