Bella Snow Soft Ale (with Grapefruit) - Bella Snow - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 23rd, 2022  
Bella Snow Soft Ale (with Grapefruit)


Low Alcoholic
2.40% ABV



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Bella Snow Soft Ale (with Grapefruit) from Bella Snow
4.5 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: Best Beers for Dry January
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Pours a cloudy, golden amber color with a steady stream of ascending carbonation bubbles. The head fizzles away pretty quickly, but it leaves about a half of finger of white bubbles that does stick around for a while from that point. Aroma is bright and citrusy, with distinct notes of grapefruit. The taste is pretty similar, with lots of grapefruit citrus, backed up by some hop flavors of floral, pine, and even more citrus. Mouthfeel is crisp and refreshing, and it is light bodied but not watered-down tasting. This beer falls in the “low alcohol world” at only 2.4% abv. Further, it’s low calorie, sugar free, and gluten free. While pretty different from a Pale Ale or equivalent beer with higher alcohol, it offers a nice change of pace and many other attributes that make this appealing.


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