Barrel Project: Mango Sour Ale - Calicraft Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Mar 10th, 2017  
Barrel Project: Mango Sour Ale


American Wild Ale
8.50% ABV


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Barrel Project: Mango Sour Ale from Calicraft Brewing Co.
4.2 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.
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Mango Sour pours an opaque and hazy golden apricot color, with very little white head that reduces to a very thin layer that sticks around. The aroma yields a satisfying funkiness that is punctuated by a subtle tropical fruit note. Up front, it's sour but balanced by a mild sweetness that sits on your tongue for a medium mouthfeel. It's hard to pick up any mango amidst the funk, but if you get a couple sips in, it's there faintly. The carbonation is perfect for the style, and the finish is a nice puckery sour that hits you in the back of your molars and makes you slightly salivate for your next sip.


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