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This version of Buzzerkeley is a Barrel-Aged Wild Sparkling Ale. Vintage #0001 from 2014 so it's been in the bottle for a few years. It pours a cloudy, golden amber color. Head is creamy, foamy, off-white, and leaves some light lacing on the glass. The aroma has a nice funkiness, lots of Brettanomyces and a fruity, champagne-like aroma. Taste is phenomenal. Tart at first, with citrus and tropical fruit flavors; dry and very refreshing. Oak flavors from the Sauvignon Blanc barrels create a soft smoothness but also an earthy, woody bite. The Brett is noticeable, but perhaps the champagne yeast is more pronounced. A semi-sweet honey sweetness shows up in the finish, and the tartness seems to mellow out with each sip. As long as you like tart beers, this is unique twist that combines the qualities of both sour beer and champagne, and we found it to be quite enjoyable.
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