Aventinus - Schneider Weisse - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Jan 14th, 2022  


Wheat Beer
8.20% ABV - 16 IBU


What did you think of it? Never Tried It
Aventinus from Schneider Weisse
4.8 out of 5 based on 4 ratings.
This beer was featured in
Podcast: If You're Drinkin', Euro-Peein
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Color is dark brownish amber, non-transparent, with about one finger of off-white, foamy head. Strong aroma of caramel malt and dark fruit. The taste has some initial sweetness of butter and caramel, but the high alcohol is masked without any syrupiness. Malt forward, with wheat flavors and dark bread like pumpernickel and rye. We also get the dark fruit, especially fig and date. Well balanced between the malts and the fruit. Doesn’t drink like 8.2% - we would have guessed closer to 6%. Very smooth, with a lighter mouthfeel and medium body. Finish has some banana-like flavors, almost like a Belgian-style Dubbel. Complex, yet still very drinkable, this is an amazing beer and one that we would highly recommend.


HansKennedy30's Photo
HansKennedy30 Jan 14, 2021 at 12:55PM
I had this in Germany "vom Fass" (on Tap) on a number of occasions. This is very dark but very much like the other Schneider Beers excellent. It does tend to hit you very hard if you don't take your time.

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