What did you think of it? Never Tried ItThis one is reserved in all the right places. Salted Caramel BBA Porter pours a little lighter than expected, being lightish brown with reddish notes and lets a fair amount of light through. It poured with a thin white head with next to no retention. It smells sweet, malty, a little caramelly and a little oaky. First sip is excellent - slight malt with strong caramel notes and perhaps a faint dose of bourbon. The mouthfeel is pretty light, and the carbonation isn't noticeable one way or the other, leading us to believe it's pretty perfect. As you continue to sip, you really start to pick up the salted caramel and a woodsy chocolate that builds up to a sharp aftertaste and a great bourbon bite that doesn't linger. Everything about this beer is reserved and sophisticated where you'd want it to be. It's a great sipper with complex flavor that's not overwhelming and is very pleasant.
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