American Strong Ale - Seventh Son Brewing Co. - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 27th, 2020  
American Strong Ale


Strong Ale
7.50% ABV


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American Strong Ale from Seventh Son Brewing Co.
2.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Seventh Son's American Strong Ale pours a clear amber with a super frothy, four finger white head. Retention is good and leaves nice lacing. The nose is packed with hops. There's some citrus in there somewhere. It tastes similar, but it's malty and slightly creamy up front, ending with some real citrus and pine hop bitterness. It tastes like an IPA. If you try really hard, you can pick up some caramel notes and perhaps a nuttiness as well. Mouthfeel is medium and carbonation also is heavy.


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