Adelbert's Blueberry Sour - Adelbert's Brewery - Beer of the Day.

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  Aug 13th, 2024  
Adelbert's Blueberry Sour


Sour Beer


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Adelbert's Blueberry Sour from Adelbert's Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Beautiful, bright red color, mostly clear, with a fleeting, white head. Strong, tart aroma with berry and funk. The taste is crisp and refreshing, with less sourness than we would have guessed from the aroma. The blueberry is the focus from start to finish, but we also get some oak barrel, butter, and vanilla notes. Mouthfeel is clean and crisp with low carbonation. The ABV isn’t listed, but any booziness is hidden behind all the fruit flavors. Short finish, without any lingering sourness. Overall a super drinkable and enjoyable light sour ale that is fitting for a warm summer day.


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