Ace Of Spades - Hopworks Urban Brewery - Beer of the Day - Beer of the Day.

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  Sep 10th, 2018  
Ace Of Spades


Double/Imperial IPA
8.60% ABV - 100 IBU


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Ace Of Spades from Hopworks Urban Brewery
4.0 out of 5 based on 1 ratings.
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Pours a mostly clear, pale amber color with one finger of white, creamy head. An abundance of sticky lacing is left on the glass. Bold, hoppy aroma of citrus and pine. Taste is surprisingly malty upfront, with semi-sweet caramel and pale malt flavors. But then the hops take over, with the same citrus and pine that we got in the aroma. West Coast style with pretty dry carbonation and a medium to full body. Medium bitterness but don't let the 100+ IBU scare you off. Finishes on the sweet side with a touch of booziness. Overall a really tasty, high quality, balanced Imperial IPA.


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